Friday, February 19, 2010


The last several days have been a blur. Elijah had a fever last Sunday morning but it was gone by lunch time. Tuesday afternoon when I picked him up, however, the fever was back. I stayed home with him Wednesday, took him to the doctor, and found out he had strep throat. He's spent a lot of time in bed and in his recliner these last few days. I've noticed the last few nights that he's asked me to rock him and sing to him. I thought it was sweet and was happy to oblige.

Well, I asked him today if he wanted some soup and grilled cheese for lunch. "Sure," he said. So I got to work making some grilled cheese with chicken and vegetable soup. After I burned his sandwich and mine, I started over. Thankfully he was too involved watching PBS kids to notice the stench of burned food. Finally, we made it to the table. As I was eating my soup and sandwich, Elijah was chowing down on apple wedges. I finished my lunch and left him at the table to eat while I took the dogs outside.

When I returned to the kitchen, Elijah said, "Hey, Mommy. You little."

"Well, thank you, son," I said. "And you're getting to be a big boy."

He replied, "No, you not little, you big. I little."

"But you're getting bigger, right?" I asked.

"Yep, and I get as big as daddy someday. And I rock you to sleep. And I put you to bed. And I cover you up. Then you get up and play. Someday."

"Aw, honey, you'd do that for me?" I asked him.

"Yep. That a deal?"

I went and gave him a hug. "That's a deal, sweetheart."

"But tonight you rock me and put me to bed, right?" he asked me with all sincerity.

I assured him that I would rock him tonight if he wanted me to. With pleasure.


  1. awe. that's so sweet. I just know that melted your mommy heart!

  2. Yes, Beth, it did. It reminded me so much of the book "Love you Forever." I used to read/sing that to him almost every night when he was still nursing and bottle feeding. Guess I'll have to pull it back out again.

  3. The Deal of the Century!!! Priceless!!
