Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dinner at the Newsomes' House

Two funny dinner time quotes from my little man:

Several weeks ago Vonnie (aka Granny) brought McDonald's to Elijah and me for dinner because Jason was working late. Elijah was having trouble getting motivated to eat his dinner, so I told him, "There's a cookie over here with your name on it if you'll eat your dinner." Finally, after much coaxing, he finished his chicken nuggets and fries. I handed him his cookie. He looked at it. He turned it over to look at the other side. "Where's my name?" he asked with all sincerity. Granny and I rolled!

Tonight at dinner I asked Jason about his proposed date idea... go to Calhoun or somewhere similar for a mini shopping spree since we missed Valentine's day... I said, "You're talking about clothes shopping, right?" Elijah looked at his daddy and asked, "Yeah, Daddy, you talking close or open?" We both lost it which prompted a case of the giggles in Elijah. It was a fun dinner at our house tonight. I love my two guys!

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