Saturday, March 13, 2010

When I'm Big

Elijah and I were talking the other day... It was a Friday afternoon and we were on our way home from his babysitter's house.

"What we doin' next?" he asked. I told him we had to do some housework when we got home so we could play. "Okay, I help you."

"Well, thank you," I replied. "I'll clean the bathroom and you can clean your playroom."

"But I wanna help you in the potty," he protested. I tried to explain that he was too little to help clean the bathrooms because of the strong cleaners. "But I a big boy already."

"Yes, honey, you are a big boy. But you have to be much bigger before I let you help in the bathrooms. Okay?" To be honest, I was thrilled he wanted to help clean. This could work out good for me in the future.

"Maybe when I get this big [at which point he held up his hand as high as it would go] I can help you."

"Yes, dear," I said with a grin.

"And I can be a daddy, too, when I get that big."

I told him he could get married and be a daddy when he gets much, MUCH bigger.

He asked me quite seriously, "Do I need a ring first?" I told him that yes he would need a wedding ring. "Can it be a Spider Man ring?"

I laughed and responded, "You can definitely tell your sweetheart that you want your wedding ring to be a Spider Man ring, honey."

"Okay, Mommy."

Saturday, March 6, 2010

More of Elijah's Wit

Elijah has said several things in the past several days that have left me laughing.

One night while we were watching tv he said, "Mommy, what's Daddy's name?"

"Jason Bryan Newsome," I replied.

He said, "No. What's him other name?"

I thought for a minute. "Um, Daddy?"

"No, the other one," he argued patiently.

Suddenly, I remembered watching the videos from the hospital when he was born. Jason had been videoing everyone who was there the night before he was born. "There's Papa Don, there's Granny. There's Mommy. What do you wanna be called?"

I said, quite breathlessly since I had no lung capacity, "The Queen!" :)

Jason then turned the camera on himself and said, "And I'm your Daddy but you can call me Dadabooboodadadoo!"

When we watched it, Elijah just cracked up. So I tried it. "You mean Dadabooboodadadoo? That name?"

"Yes. That one." Then he pointed at the lettering on my t-shirt. "Your name is Mommy Bryan Newsome."

"What?!" I asked.

"I Eli Bryan, Daddy is Daddy Bryan, you Mommy Bryan!" We've made such a big deal making sure he knows that his middle name Bryan came from his daddy and his Papa. Guess he thinks ALL the Newsomes have that as their middle name.


Wednesday morning I let Elijah sleep late since I wasn't going to school but was driving to Nashville for Logan's daddy's funeral. Elijah and I were eating breakfast together. As we were eating, Elijah said, "What's that noise?"

Having not heard anything unusual, I asked, "What noise?"

"That scratching noise," he said.

"I don't know, Eli. What do you think it is?"

"Um," he thought for a minute. "It's a tiger and it wants to eat your bed."

I laughed. "Well, Daddy's still in bed!"

"Uh, oh. We better go wake him up!" he exclaimed.

I lost it!


Elijah has been asking for a baby brother or sister (sometimes both) since before Christmas. (He even asked Santa.) The other night he mentioned that he wanted a sister. I said, "Well, Mommy's not having one right now. You'll just have to be patient."

"No, I get one now," he said urgently.

"Well, where will you get one?" I asked, not sure I wanted to know the answer.

"At the store." Duh, Mommy. :)